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Residents' Survey in Probus, Tregony, Cuby, and Grampound wth Creed February 2013: Results

Survey forms delivered to all households in the parishes of Probus, Tregony, Cuby and Grampound with Creed in early February 2013: total 1860

Forms returned by post 255, completed online 146: total returned 401 equals 21%.

All survey forms asked questions on the issues of waste, highways, housing and planning, renewable energy and flooding. Identical questions were asked in all parishes on waste and flooding. With the other topics, questions were customised towards the particular issues in parishes, e.g. Tregony had a 20 mph speed limit introduced in 2012 and I was interested in the views of how this is going; in Grampound, planning applications for a number of large wind turbines have been passed recently; in Probus, a potential Wainhomes development has been a hot topic locally.

In general, there is a high satisfaction rate with the Cory waste collection contract. After a shaky start in April 2012, collection performance has settled down and between 76 and 95 per cent of you have described the service as good with the black bag collections receiving more good responses than the recycling service.

With highways, there is a general acknowledgement that the Council is doing a reasonable job to maintain the roads, but that it is probably fighting a losing battle with the recent dreadful weather. There is a general desire to see reduced speed limits in residential areas, although more of a reluctance to accept some speed limit reductions that have been brought in on other roads such as the St Austell bypass.

With regard to renewable energy, there is still an overall majority of residents in support of the installation of wind turbines in this area.

For details of the results in your area, please follow the links on the left to the relevant parish.

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